Has the SGMLTools project been resurrected?
I have been using the sgmltools-CVS19980807-2.i386.rpm from
Kayvan Sylvan's site. A search on freshmeat for SGMLtools
revealed that there is at sourceforge a new version in RPM format
with pithy little filename: sgmltools-lite-3.01cvs20000625-4.i386.rpm

My question now is which releases of jade, jadetex, stylesheets,
and docbook are compatible with the above and Redhat 6.2?

John O'Gorman

>From: ben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Darryl VanDorp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: DocBook
>Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 00:23:51 +0100
>Darryl VanDorp a écrit :
> > Hi all lyx users!
> >
> > I'm attempting to take over documenting an opensource project
> > and all the current docs are written in docbook/sgml.
> >
> > Can lyx be used to create these types of documents?
> >
> > i.e. import / export docbook?
>Thanks to Jose Abilio Oliveira Matos who helped me a lot, I can tell you
>that you can export as DocBook. If you don't find the "SGML (DocBook
>article)" class defined in the layout->document class list, it means
>that all you need is not installed. If it is already defined, write your
>lyx document with this class, and export as DocBook.
>If it is not defined, you can do the following:
>1- Install what is missing. I think you need to have:
>a. The DocBook stuff:
>    * the docbook package,
>    * the nwalsh modular stylesheets,
>    * the ISO character entities.
>b. The jade package.
>c. SGMLtools version 3.0.
>2- When everything is installed, set the SGML_CATALOG_FILES correctly to
>the catalogs path of the installed packages. At this step you should
>check that your install is ok (jade and sgmltools).
>3- Reconfigure LyX (options->reconfiguration, exit from lyx, restart
>4- The "SGML (DocBook article)" should be listed now. If everything is
>ok, you can create a doc with this style and:
>* view as DVI, PostScript,
>* export as DVI, ps, DocBook, HTML.
>However I don't know whether you can import SGML files in LyX.

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