Brian Lavender wrote:

  > How do I get the table of contents generated with ascii text

and quoted part of the output of an attempted conversion to ascii, the
familiar LyX credo:

  >    The basic philosophy of LyX is that you should worry about the content
  >    of what you're writing and not the form.

Herbert Voss then suggested
  you can export to pdf or ps and than with
  pdftotext  or  ps2ascii
Herbert's suggestion is, as usual, timely and correct.  But I wonder:
if the philosopy of LyX is that the user should worry about content
and not the form of what is being written, shouldn't the user be able
to export to commonly used formats, like ascii without the gyrations
of converting to pdf or ps and then to ascii?  I've seen comparably
complicated recommendations for getting a word-count and other
operations that shouldn't require the user to look up the procedure
and revert to an xterm and a shell to run off scripts and pipelines.

I'm a staunch advocate of LyX.  I admire and appreciate the
hard-working individuals who have been refining LyX and adding new
features.  I just hope that as LyX evolves, and more features are
added, we don't lose sight of the original philosophy, and that the
KISS principle (Keep It Simple Stupid) continues to apply to the user
interface as well as the WYSIWYM concept.


Ronald Florence       

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