you can maybe scanner/OCR software like GOCR (open source)
take a look at:
good luck
PS: @christopher: if you were sucessfull, you may give me a reply?
maybe i need it sometimes, too.
On Sat, 13 Jan 2001, Matej Cepl wrote:
> Christopher Jones wrote:
> > So my question is: is there any software out there which attempts to look at
> > bitmaps and guess what the ascii would be-- something like those programs which
> > read books through a scanner and try to match font characters to the image. And
> > I say this question is a reach, because I know that those programs which I have
> > heard about are either very expensive or very innacurate.
> I am afraid, that you have not much choice, than try any of these
> programs. Some of them are now much better, than they used to be.
> Try to find anybody with scanner - most of these programs should
> be able to scan documents from the external file. I am afraid,
> that there is nothing better to offer you.
> Matej
Jan Goebel (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
DIW Berlin
Longitudinal Data and Microanalysis
Königin-Luise-Str. 5
D-14195 Berlin -- Germany --
phone: 49 30 89789-377