Am Tue, 30.Jan.2001 um 21:29:32 -0600 schrieb Christopher Jones:

> It then occurred to me that I like to have the relevant bib file open in xjed,
> or other editor of choice, to add entries as I need them. Lets say I am working
> on two or three papers. It might be a while before I get back to this one. In
> the meantime, I have an xjed hanging loose on my desktop, which I get tired of
> and close. Now I am ready to get back to that particular paper, and not thinking
> about opening an xterm, cd-ing to /home/cjones/.documents/bib/Spring2001/ and
> opening leibniz.bib, start typing away, intensely lost in the argument. I make
> a point, want to cite it, can't remember the key, and now I have to stop,
> either minimize LyX or shove my mouse to the right, open xterm, cd, xjed
> xyz.bib, ... you get the picture. 

Sorry, but what you describe still strikes me as something that can be
easily done with a good window manager setup. Good window managers (fvwm,
Window Maker, sawfish, or especially my favorite larswm) allow you to
rapidly switch virtual desktops and switch / iconify and re-zoom windows
via keyboard shortcuts. LyX couldn't do this more efficiently.

For looking up bibtex keys, you can either use Ctrl+s (fast search) in jed
or and other Emacs clone, or use 'bibtool -X ' on the commandline.


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