"Jean-Pierre.Chretien" wrote:
> >>From: German Poo Caaman~o <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>I noted 1995 msgrid, 682 fuzzy and 579 without translation.
> An example about default.ui
> The association of a popup to a function is described in default.ui:
>        Item "New...|N" "buffer-new"
> This is turned into a message in the po file:
> #: src/MenuBackend.C:406 src/ext_l10n.h:12 src/ext_l10n.h:17
> msgid "New...|N"
> msgstr "Nouveau...|N"
> where the msgid is extracted from the default.ui.
> As a counterpart to this new work to performe on the po file:
> the shortcuts (« N ») are declared in the po file and nowhere else;
> you may channr it to fit the non-english word.
> You must check however that the same letter does not appear twice
> in the same popup (AFAIU)

I noted it.  I made the changes that allow work with this 
way. May be some letters doesn't represent the best way to
reach an option, but it's a fist approach (I'm talking
about the es.po file that uploaded).

The only problem I see, a lot word are repeat just for the 

German Poo Caaman~o
"La historia no se lee, se escribe"

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