Salut Nabil. I already started working with lettre.cls, but never went deeply into the fax part. In fact, I stopped when I got the very minimum I needed. lazzy boy! So I havent exactly your answer, but this file may help you anyway. There is a lot of thing a layout can do, by putting LaTeX cod einto the Preamble. Here, the idea was to get rid of the imposed order of letter and so on classes( I like to write a letter as I am used to see it). So each layout, instead of using the Latex command, declared a variables. The appropriate latex construction is done once a new "lettre" or "fax" is encountered (with lettre.cls there may be more than one on a file), and when the "fin de fichier" layout is encountered. So, for the fax, you could declare a "numero du destinataire" and a "destinataire" layouts, which set LaTeX variables destNumber and destId, and then when buildind the correct LaTeX output use \telefax{\destNumber}{\destId} If you adopt this scheme, I will be glad to use your layout (I insist to make LyX lettre layout "order insensitive"). And maybe I could find some time to help you a little bit (but remember, I am lazzy). Anyway, if my draft can help you, here it is. Have fun Alain On Fri, 2 Feb 2001, Nabil Hathout wrote: > Hello, > > I am trying to make a layout for the lettre.cls written by Denis Mégevaud. I > have had no problem for the "lettre" TextClass but I am having one whith the > "telefax" one, namely that they must start with \telefax{XXX}{YYY} where XXX is > the fax number and YYY is the recepiender name and I have not found any "style" > that could generate this kind of structure. Is this acheivable or is it > necessary to use a dialog box (as for the citation insertions) ? > > There might be another solution, that is to modify the lettre class, but then > the layout will be dependant of this modification. > > Thank you in advance, > > --Nabil Hathout > Veuillez noter ma nouvelle adresse "courriel". Merci PLEASE NOTE my new email address.Thank's ******************************************************************* * Alain Castera * * LPNHE - Tour 33 RdC | e-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED] * * 4 Place Jussieu | or [EMAIL PROTECTED] * * 75252 Paris Cedex 05 | Telephone : (+33) 144274187 * * France | Fax : (+33) 144274638 * *******************************************************************
#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this # \DeclareLaTeXClass{lettre (Francais)} # French Letter textclass definition file. # Author : Alain Castera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> # Modifies only some things from letter.layout # to use the lettre.cls class from Denis Megevand # Input general definitions Input letter.layout # (Re)define some stuff Preamble %% to allow reorder commands when needed \newif\ifneedsendletter \newif\ifneedsendfax %% Sometimes you don't want a closing \def\Lyclose{} %% automatic assignment of signatures (only one Signature Style \long\def\lyxsig#1{ \@ifundefined{Lysigp}{\def\Lysigp{#1}} {\@ifundefined{Lysigs}{\def\Lysigs{#1}}{\def\Lysigt{#1}}} } \long\def\lyxsigp#1{\def\Lysigp{#1}} \long\def\lyxsigs#1{\def\Lysigs{#1}} \long\def\lyxsigt#1{\def\Lysigt{#1}} %% \long\def\lyxclose#1{\def\Lyclose{#1}} \long\def\lyxsubj#1{\def\Lysubj{#1}} \long\def\lyxps#1{\def\Lyps{#1}} \long\def\lyxenc#1{\def\Lyenc{#1}} \long\def\lyxmenc{\def\Lymenc{\menc}} \long\def\lyxcc#1{\def\Lycc{#1}} \newcommand{\findemessage} { \ifneedsendletter \@ifundefined{Lysigp}{\name{}}{\signature{\Lysigp}} \@ifundefined{Lysigs}{}{\secondsignature{\Lysigs}} \@ifundefined{Lysigt}{}{\thirdsignature{\Lysigt}} \closing{\Lyclose} \@ifundefined{Lyps}{}{\ps{P.S. : }{\Lyps}} \@ifundefined{Lycc}{}{\cc{\Lycc}} \@ifundefined{Lyenc}{}{\encl{\Lyenc}} \end{letter} \needsendletterfalse \fi \ifneedsendfax \end{telefax} \needsendfaxfalse \fi } EndPreamble # My Address style Style MonAdresse Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName address ParSkip 0.4 BottomSep 1.5 ParSep 1.5 Align Left AlignPossible Left End # City name style Style Lieu Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName lieu LeftMargin Ville::xx LabelSep xx TopSep 0.4 BottomSep 0.4 ParSep 0.4 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Static LabelString Ville: # label font definition LabelFont Series Bold Shape Italic Latex Latex EndFont End #suppress City indication Style NoLieu KeepEmpty 1 LatexType Command LatexName nolieu LabelType Static LeftMargin NoLieuxx LabelString NoLieu # label font definition LabelFont Series Bold Latex Latex EndFont End # date Style Style Date Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName date LeftMargin Date::xx LabelSep xx TopSep 0.4 BottomSep 0.4 ParSep 0.4 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Static LabelString Date: # label font definition LabelFont Series Bold Shape Italic Latex Latex EndFont End #suppress date indication Style NoDate KeepEmpty 1 LatexType Command LatexName nodate LabelType Static LeftMargin NoDatexx LabelString NoDate # label font definition LabelFont Series Bold Latex Latex EndFont End # location (i.e. office, department ...) Style Localisation Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName location LeftMargin Location::xx LabelSep xx TopSep 0.4 BottomSep 0.4 ParSep 0.4 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Static LabelString Location: # label font definition LabelFont Series Bold Shape Italic Latex Latex EndFont End # telephone Style Style Telephone Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName telephone LeftMargin Tel::xx LabelSep xx TopSep 0.4 BottomSep 0.4 ParSep 0.4 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Static LabelString Tel: # label font definition LabelFont Series Bold Shape Italic Latex Latex EndFont End #suppress telephone indication Style NoTelephon KeepEmpty 1 LatexType Command LatexName notelephone LabelType Static LeftMargin NoTelxx LabelString NoTel # label font definition LabelFont Series Bold Latex Latex EndFont End # telefax Style Style Fax Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName fax LeftMargin Fax::xx LabelSep xx TopSep 0.4 BottomSep 0.4 ParSep 0.4 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Static LabelString Fax: # label font definition LabelFont Series Bold Shape Italic Latex Latex EndFont End #suppress fax indication Style NoFax KeepEmpty 1 LatexType Command LatexName nofax LabelType Static LeftMargin NoFaxxx LabelString NoFax # label font definition LabelFont Series Bold Latex Latex EndFont End # Email Style Style Email Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName email LeftMargin Email::xx LabelSep xx TopSep 0.4 BottomSep 0.4 ParSep 0.4 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Static LabelString Email: # label font definition LabelFont Series Bold Shape Italic Latex Latex EndFont End Style Destinataire Margin Right_Address_Box LatexType Command LatexName lettre Preamble \newcommand{\lettre}[1] { \findemessage \begin{letter}{#1} \needsendlettertrue } EndPreamble End #As a temporary(?) trick Style FinDeFichier KeepEmpty 1 LatexType Command LatexName findemessage LabelType Static LabelString Fin_du_fichier. LeftMargin Fin_du_fichier. # label font definition LabelFont Series Bold Shape Italic Latex Latex EndFont End # Opening style definition Style Accroche CopyStyle Opening LeftMargin Accroche::xx LabelString Accroche: End # Signature style definition Style Signature LeftMargin Signature::xx LabelString Signature: LatexName lyxsig End # Closing style definition Style FormuleDePolitesse CopyStyle Closing LeftMargin Salutations::xx LabelString Salutations: LatexType Command LatexName lyxclose End # encl style definition Style incl CopyStyle encl LeftMargin Ci-joint::xx LabelString Ci-joint: LatexName lyxenc End #Carbon Copy Style cc LatexName lyxcc End #Post Scriptum Style Post_Scriptum Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName lyxps LabelSep xx LabelType Static LeftMargin P.S.::xx LabelString P.S.: LatexName lyxps End # now suppress unwanted styles NoStyle My_Address NoStyle Send_To_Address NoStyle Opening NoStyle Closing NoStyle encl