>>>>> "Raymond" == Raymond Ouellette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Raymond> I would like to know if it is possible to create a document
Raymond> wich has 2 columns of different width, for exemple a wide
Raymond> column at the right side of the page, approx 13 cm wide, and
Raymond> a smaller one of 4 cm at the left side. The main text would
Raymond> be in the main column, and the left column would be used only
Raymond> for section or subsections titles, tables titles, or figures
Raymond> titles.

Raymond> I tried with a reverse margin note but I lost the result if I
Raymond> change the basic font of the document from time to helvetica
Raymond> for instance.

Yes, using a margin note is the right thing to do in your case. I do
not understand the problem you had with that. Could you explain a bit


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