
Now that I understand the function of this line :) can it be used multiple
times in the same document?  I have repository directories for several
types of things which I use in documents found in different places.



On Thu, Mar 01, 2001 at 01:24:31PM +0000, Herbert Voss wrote:
> "Kevin W. Bowman" wrote:
> > 
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I am working on a paper with multiple authors.  As a result we have two
> > copies of the same lyx file.  However,  the location of figures are
> > referenced with respect to the location of the lyx file.  If the
> > directory structure is
> > user1/dir1/dir2/
> > and the lyx file is in /user1/dir1/dir2/file.lyx  but the graphics file
> > is under /user1/dir1/figure.eps then the figure's location is referenced
> > in the menu as
> > ../figure.eps
> > 
> > So the pathname is relative to the location of the lyx file.  However,
> > because the other author is modifying his copy of the lyx file in
> > another directory, he needs an absolute pathname for the figures.
> try in latex preamble
> \def\input@path{{yourInputPathForTheFiles/}} 
> Herbert
> -- 
> http://perce.de/lyx/

It is not so very important for a person to learn facts.  For that he
doesn't really need a college education, for he can learn them from
books.  The value of an education in a liberal arts college is not the
learning of many facts but the training of the mind to thinking--something
that cannot be learned from books.     Albert Einstein

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