On Sun, Oct 26, 2014 at 12:42 AM, Patrick Gagnon <pagag...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Updates:
>> Looked first in Kubuntu repositories, and installed 3 packages containing
>> parts of the APA style:
>>    - texlive-publishers
>>    - texlive-publishers-doc (required dependency)
>>    - texlive-bibtex-extra
>> Reconfigured and restart LyX, and APA document class become available.
>> Thank you very much for explaining the relation LaTex-LyX, which allowed me
>> to find these 3 packages in the Kubuntu 12.04 repositories.
>> But all these packages don't cover APA6 too, and repositories have
>> nothing on APA6.
Strange, because that's not what it looks like on my machine. That is, I
think texlive-publishers installs apa6. You can see what I mean by running
an apt-file search for apa6.cls:

$sudo apt-get install apt-file
$sudo apt-file update
$apt-file search wrapfig.sty

That gives me
texlive-publishers: /usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/apa6/apa6.cls

I'm running a pretty stock setup of Linux Mint 17, with TeX Live


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