I tend to use TextWrangler for such tasks (available for free in Apple store). 
Plenty of options to select encoding and line breaks etc so it suits your needs.


> On 28 Jan 2015, at 12:02, Restidealist <restideal...@gmx.de> wrote:
> TL:DR: Document corrupted, want to copy parts from [corrupt document] to 
> [working document] - textedit doesn't work
> Hi everybody, 
> my thesis-document (due in 2 days) is corrupted. As I can't figure out how to 
> fix this I want to try a manual approach: 
> I got my corrupt file with all the latest contents and I also got a backup of 
> a working file. 
> I now want to copy parts from the corrupt file to the backup file to see 
> where things don't work out anymore and maybe fix this within the corrupted 
> file. 
> I would also like to edit within the corrupt file which isn't possible in lyx 
> as it quits saying "File corrupt"
> When I'm opening the .lyx file with textedit, I am able to edit it but after 
> reimporting / reopening it with lyx, preview doesn't work. I suppose textedit 
> changed something in formatting etc. 
> So which program can I use to open a .lyx file, edit it, save it as .lyx, 
> open it IN lyx and preview it without producing an error message? 
> Any help is appreciated, thanks a lot
> R.
> Specs:
> Lyx 2.0.4., also tried, file obviously still corrupted
> Macos 10.6.8.
> everything worked fine until today.

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