On Sat, Mar 14, 2015 at 12:56 PM, Robert Susmilch <rob...@susmilch.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Dear List,
> I have Googled a way to refer to numbered equations in text, such as
> "See equation (3)" in Lyx but everything I read, whether from other
> users or wikis, suggests labeling the already numbered equations and
> then using the label to cross reference.
> This seems absurd given that Lyx purports to free you to write and not
> micromanage things like this. The tutorial goes on and on about using
> citations, bibliography, automatic section and chapter title numbering
> that takes care of itself. If I can number an equation and it's
> automatic that means the equation numbering can / will change as they
> are moved about, added or deleted, etc.
> So can this be done? Have I failed Google 101? I'm running Lyx 2.1.3.
> If it can't be done then really, what's the point?

Dear Robert,

If I understand correctly, you want to reference an equation without
specifying a label. But how would LyX know which equation you want to



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