
I am trying to define an inset, that compiles to \begin{widetext} ...

Doing so with InsetLayout however, results in flexible-width insets
(like the Note inset), which is undesirable. E.g. when creating a such
a widetext inset with a single display-style equation inside, it will
be display a left-aligned equation in lyx, strongly at odds with the
compiled result (a full-width equation in a twocolumn document).

Is there some standard way to change this behaviour to be more like
boxes, i.e. full-width in LyX regardless of the contents?

I also posted the question on stackexchange[1] where an answer pointed
out that the behaviour for boxes is achieved by the code

    bool InsetBox::hasFixedWidth() const
        return !params_.width.empty();

in InsetBox.cpp, so I fear it may be hard-coded.

For reference, my current layout is

    InsetLayout WideText
        LyXType          Custom
        LabelString      WideText
        LatexType        environment
        LatexName        widetext
        Decoration       classic
            Color        blue
            Size         Small
        MultiPar         true
        OptionalArgs     0

regards, Klaus


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