Maybe a version of this known bug?


On 05/21/2015 10:59 PM, Eugenio Raliuga wrote:
Dear Sires
I use Lyx since 2009, and the next problem is new to me:

If I open a new document the class of document is "KOMA- script book" and LyX does not accept to chsnge to any other class of document, say "article" or "KOMA-script article". The buttons "OK" and "Apply" turn on inactive.

I have installed the files with the default document classes in LyX
I started LyX from a terminal, via "lyx -dbg all
I reinstalled LyX with Synaptic (My OS is Ubuntu 15.04)

The problem remains.

Maybe is something plain, I don't know.

Anyone could give me a hint or better a way to solve this problem?

Tank you for your attention.

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