
I know this isn't the right place and I don't know whether the suggested
feature has already been implemented (using 1.1.5fix1).

In my document I have a lot of subsubsections and sometimes paragraphs
and it is difficult to refer to those.

1) Would be nice if each numbered chapter, section (...) automatically
gets a label corresponding to the chapter / section title. 
2) Would be nice if I could use the label-name as reference.

To give an example (The %marked% is supposed to be a label / reference):

1 Chapter one %sec:Chapter one%
1.1 Section one_point_one %sec:Section one_point_one%
1.1.1 Subsection one_point_one_point_one %sec:Subsection
This is a subsubsection %sec:This is a subsubsection%

I can't refer to 'This is a subsubsection' because the depth for
numbering is limited (and that's o.k.)

Would be nice to write:
As can be seen in %ref_name:sec:This is a subsubsection% on page
%page:sec:This is a subsubsection%.
And to receive:
As can be seen in 'This is a subsubsection' on page 12.

The auto-labelling would be nice because my section-titles change from
time to time and I always have to update the section-titles used in the

I hope you understand what I mean...


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