Hey Guys,

Hope everybody is doing well. I am using lyx for my master dissertation. I
received a template from the university with different aspects divided into
.tex files. Meaning there is a .tex file for introduction, a .tex file for
chapters, a .tex file abstract and so on.

I import the .tex file into lyx make changes but when I try to compile it I
get a large number of errors. I tried using texmaker but again when I
compile same errors. I looked around and found there is also a build.bat
file given. So if I make changes in the .tex file, save and then run the
build.bat file a final  pdf document is produced which shows my changes.

So basically I need to make changes to the .tex file and run the build.bat
file and it all works fine. I would like to continue working with lyx as I
am much more comfortable with the gui compared to texmaker. The problem is
lyx creates a .lyx file and the changes are made there and not in the .tex

Is it possible to reflect the changes in the .tex file without compiling
the .lyx file? Thank you for your time.

Best Regards,
Mueez Aizaz.

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