Le 07/10/2015 15:07, Bert Zimpel a écrit :

Dear User community,

Is anybody out there who has experience with or has used tex-upmethodology

within LyX?

tex-upmethodology is a LaTeX style which permits to create documents and
reports with version, history, authors, validators, specification, task
management, etc., as for the reports in a Unified Process methodology
(UP or RUP).

I look for a solution an office-assistant can handle, therefore LyX, I
could not use something like TEXstudio or similar for this reason.

Thank you very much!


Interesting, LyX has:

- Change tracking with author tracking
- compatibility with versioning systems such as git
- TODO notes
- branches

What would be the concrete difference with a solution such as tex-upmethodology?

If you are willing to try LyX, I would recommend testing Change tracking for a start.

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