I have graphics that I want to present as figures in two-column format 
(IEEEtrans). I have prepared the graphics and when loaded into LyX they 
perfectly fit the column width, as I have set the width to be 100% of the 
column width. This is good.

However, for some figures, I want two graphics to be presented as parts (a) and 
(b). Following the Embedded Objects manual, I first made a figure float with 
caption and then into that I pasted two more figure floats which LyX identifies 
as sub-figures. So far so good. But when I insert the graphics into the 
sub-figure floats and render to PDF, the graphics have moved very slightly to 
the right, about half the width of a character or I supposed 1-2 mm, causing 
the figures to protrude very slightly into either the gutter or the right-hand 
margin, depending on what column they appear in. There is also a slight bit of 
movement of the left side of the graphics,by the same amount--the entire 
graphic has shifted right.

I can scale the graphics by 98% and prevent the right-hand overhang, but there 
is still a noticeable bit of white space to the left.

What is causing this slight shift of graphics to the right when they are part 
of a sub-figure?


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