Dear list,

is it possible to change package options of packages that are loaded by
modules? Specifically, I tried to set the options of the todonotes
package which I use in conjunction with the "TODO Notes" module [1].
This module loads the package without passing any options to it.
Specifically, it adds


to the preamble.

Adding another \usepackage[myOptions]{todonotes} to my preamble causes
an options clash. I tried to

*) Set the options globally by passing them to the document class (as
suggested by LaTex). No error, but also no effect.
*) Use \PassOptionsToPackage. No error, but also no effect. I think this
command must be used *before* loading the package, which I can't do as
the module's preamble additions are done *before* the user's additions.

A possible solution would be to change the module itself. But I don't
like this solution much because it would have a system wide effect where
I only want it to affect the document. (Also, I don't want to change the
moule on all systems I use)

What other options do I have?



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