Am 08.02.2016 um 09:31 schrieb Henry Leung:

I am trying to write paper using the elsarticle.lyx template

elsarticle is a special document class for scientific articled to be submitted for journals of the Elsevier publishing group. So unless you are not writing such an article this document class might not the the right choice for you. I recommend to use the KOMAscript article class. This class is used my many LyX documentation files, see for example the specific manuals in LyX's Help menu. The xypic manual might be a good start for you.

> was confused by the "author label", "author footnote label" and the like. I would like to know how to create them when I am writing paper in lyx as I need them.

Use the menu
Insert -> Author Label
(this will only be visible when the cursor is in an author environment and if there is not already such a label.
For the marks use the menu
Insert -> Custom Insets

regards Uwe

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