On Fri, 23 Mar 2001, Andre Poenitz wrote:

> > I wonder, whether after all these years it is getting time for buying Mac
> > for me. The question is simple -- is the GUI based on X?
> I don't know but I doubt it.

It isn't.
> > If yes, does it mean, that there is day coming near when M$ Office will
> > run on X?
> MS Word 97 runs comparatively well under Wine (at least with full moon and
> a black cat nearby) so you missed that day already.
> I think even a native MS Word port for Linux would not mean anything for
> LyX. I doubt that anybody using *nix and LyX today would switch over.

Interestingly enough, our research group has just gone through the process
of writing a few papers for the upcoming ISOPE conference. It needs a two
column format, with figures fitted in the column. Out of that, we've got
one latex user (me), one person who has now sworn off word, and another
who hates word, but won't really consider an alternative.

Having written two articles at the same time, and both in two column
format, with one in Word and the other in Lyx, I can offer some sort of
comparison. The word formatting took about two days, while the article in
Lyx took about one day. Lyx was also *much* less frustrating, as far as
figure placement went.

Thanks to the developers for a great product.

rod   | "How would the Yo-Yo king feel if he were stripped, in less than a
      |  decade, of all his customers except cops and Hell's Angels?"
      |    Hunter S. Thompson, "Hells Angels"

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