Hello All:

I'm attempting to do some literate programming using the noweb module in
LyX. I need to insert some Unicode text into verbatim environments. I
notice that when I copy and paste the code directly into a noweb chunk
or just a plane verbatim environment that it seems to work, but when I
attempt to type the unicode characters directly into a verbatim
environment, LyX says that the verbatime environment does not permit
these characters.

Rendering the copied and pasted text works fine and shows up correctly,
as does the Unicode that I type directly into the standard environment.

I saw that there were settings for unicode in the Language settings, but
I am using LuaTex and non-TeX fonts (XITS and a particular Fixed Width
font for the typewriter font), and apparently that means that the
language settings for the encoding are grayed out. I'm using the English
(USA) language setting.

I'm stuck now on how to get around this problem, as it is critical for
my use, and I cannot use LyX without this support. Is there something
I'm not doing right here to get this to work? I seems that LyX clearly
supports Unicode, but just intentionally does not permit it in the
verbatim environment, despite the fact that it will work.

        Yours truly,

                Aaron W. Hsu

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