Am Donnerstag, den 18.02.2016, 10:13 +0100 schrieb Michael Berger:
> Second issue
> Using Jürgen's nice and useful new modules like csquotes (context-
> sensitive quotes) fail to work in classicthesis-LyX-v4.1, i. e. are
> not available in full in the Insert > Custom Insets menu and produce
> quite a number of errors
> At this point I want to thank Jürgen Spitzmüller who so very
> generously and repeatedly supported my efforts (I know close to
> nothing about Latex).
> But he flatly denies that his module(s) do not work there - stating
> that he himself used them just as I was trying.

It works for me. You could send an example file which produces the
error. Then I can probably see what's wrong.


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