> On 2016Mar24, at 21:22, Les <lden...@hal-pc.org> wrote:
> On Thu, 24 Mar 2016 17:21:56 +0000
> Muhammad Yahya <muhammad.ya...@student.nhh.no> wrote:
>> I am encountering a problem with the LyX output as pdf. Upon
>> exporting the file from LyX to pdf, the resolution of the document is
>> significantly lower. It is clearly visible when you “zoom in” the
>> document. Also, whenever I am printing the document the lower quality
>> of the document is visible. I have tried several ways to improve the
>> resolution, however, I am unable to improve the quality. I am
>> attaching the files herewith this email for your review. In addition,
>> I am attaching the “tutorial” document which is available through the
>> help tab. The resolution of tutorial document is clear and finest.
> Muhammad,
> On my system they are both very good, but that's probably because my
> default font is different.
> But you can get the very good results with the tutorial, so it can be
> done on your system.
> The only difference I can see that might make a difference is in the
> LaTeX Preamble under Settings. Try copying the lines:
> % set fonts for nicer pdf view
> \IfFileExists{lmodern.sty}{\usepackage{lmodern}}{}
> from the preamble in the tutorial to the preamble in your document.
> Les
> -- 
> L. R. Denham

Looks fine her also (on Mac). 
You can also test by explicitly selecting fonts and see which ones that work on 
your system. 
To do this go to: Documents > Settings… Select fonts and then change 
(especially the Roman font).
Good luck and please report back on your progress to the list (preferably 
stating your system setup).

All the best!

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