LyX has an option "Open documents in tabs" in
Preferences > Document Handling.

As far as I can tell, disabling this option
causes LyX to open different documents
in new windows, but grouping files belonging
to the same output document into the same
window into tabs.

Is it possible to detach such tabs into
a new window? Is it possible to open each
FILE in a separate window?

=== The purpose ===

I am sometimes working with long documents
where I'd rather split even one document
across multiple windows, e.g. in order to
keep a section, which I am referring to,
opened on a second screen. In such cases
having more than one window per document,
or even displaying the same file in multiple
windows at once, would be useful.

Basically I am trying to use windows
to recreate an equivalent of spreading out
notes on a table.

- Klaus

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