On Fri, 15 Apr 2016 10:07:06 -0700
Tim Wescott <t...@wescottdesign.com> wrote:

> A reader contacted me asking why I left out the equals signs in the
> equations.  It turned out that the equals signs did not render
> correctly in his web reader plug-in, but did render correctly in the
> related stand-alone reader. 


Whenever something like this happens I immediately wonder about whether
all the fonts are embedded in the PDF. If I check with Image Viewer
(I'm using Linux Mint), I get the reassuring message "All fonts are
either standard or embedded", with ten unexceptional Type 1 fonts, all
with Embedded subsets. And one Type 3 "No name" font described as
Embedded, not Embedded subset. The equations do render correctly with
this viewer, and with the Chrome viewer.

If I open the downloaded file with Acrobat Reader 9, it renders
correctly, but the Type 3 font is described as"

Type: Type 3
Encoding: Custom
Actual Font: F56
Actual Font Type: Type 3

There is no mention of it being embedded.

I don't know where this font is coming from in your document, but it
may be the problem.

None of the viewers I tried had any problems with correctly displaying
your PDF.


L. R. Denham

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