On 05.06.2016 20:31, Richard Heck wrote:
On 06/05/2016 12:05 PM, racoon wrote:
On 05.06.2016 16:12, racoon wrote:

LyX prints a § when using formatted references to sections, like

  "In section §3, ..."

It seems a bit strange to me that the "§" is added in addition to
"section". Isn't the "§" an abbreviation for "section"? Also it makes
referencing to more than one section tricky because by in the plain
format there is no "§" added, like

  "In section §3 and 4, ..."

Wouldn't it be better to have

  "In section §3 and §4."?

Anyway, I want to get rid of the added "§" in the formatted reference
altogether. I have seen that LyX uses the command "\secref" but did not
find documentation.

Maybe someone can help me out. Thanks.

Okay, I think I got it:

  \renewcommand\secref[1]{section \ref{sec:#1}}

I hope I did not miss any subtleties.

Lyx uses, by default, refstyle.sty for formatted references, but can
also use prettyref.sty. This is controlled by a checkbox at Document>
Settings> Document Class.

Thanks Richard. Using prettyref instead gets rid of the § but capitalizes section. So that seems not to work well either. So I still have to use the redefinition of the command I suggested.


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