Hello Scott,

I’m using Macosx, El Capitan
Thanks for your answer


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Département Mathématiques Appliquées (UMR-CNRS 5142)
BP 1155 - 64013 PAU Cedex France

Le 14 sept. 2016 à 04:27, Scott Kostyshak <skost...@lyx.org> a écrit :

On Sun, Sep 04, 2016 at 03:25:53PM +0200, Puiseux Pierre wrote:
my figures pdf are well displayed in final pdf document (with LuaTeX), but in Lyx, I have the message (sorry, in french)
« Erreur lors de la conversion vers un format lisible »

Hi Pierre,

I've seen several issues reported like this. Which OS are you using? I
think the issues I've seen have been for Mac OS. I have not seen this
myself on Ubuntu.

Sorry I'm not of much help.


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