On 11/15/2016 07:30 AM, caoke...@163.com wrote:

Dear all,

I am using Lyx to realize Multiple and sectioned bibliographies in book. I have spent a lot of time with tips from web page but that does not work.

I do not know how to install the python wrapper script bibtexall <http://wiki.lyx.org/uploads/BibTeX/bibtexall>and make it work.

Could anyone help me to realizes Multiple and sectioned bibliographies?

Thanks you very much.



Hello Kecao,
I am using: Document Settings >Bibliography and Default style is 'unsrtnat' *
See the structure of my 4-part Bibliography in the screenshot.

* using the unsort-command was necessary when I wrote this some time ago - you may try if it is still necessary nowadays

Note: my document is using classicthesis; let's assume this will as well work in the document class 'book'

Good luck,

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