Happy New Year to All.

This has been solved (after some detective work) but am reporting
it, just in case it happens to others.

Had a recent mysterious error when trying an Lyx to pdf conversion.
The program reported a Latex error but gave no error report.

The same Lyx file converted to html immediately, no errors. I had
a coding error, ignored by one converter. A look at the source code
was not a success.

So, used the traditional system of halving the file, testing halving again, until there only a single line of code left. There was the problem, a Hyperlink
with a irreconcilable character, a beginning  itemize dot, like this :

• http://www.debian.org/doc/FAQ/ch-pkgtools.en.html

Removing the dot fixed the problem, but an hour or two wasted looking
for it.


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