Dear LyX on Windows users,

especially new users or those who installed LyX the first time on a computer recently encountered error messages of missing LaTeX packages. There was a bug in the LaTeX distribution MiKTeX that is used by LyX for Windows that disabled any LaTeX package downloads.

This bug is now fixed and I therefore uploaded a new installer.

For those who had the mentioned errors, the only way to fix them is to do this:

1. uninstall LyX _completely_ (assure that MiKTeX is selected in the uninstaller to be uninstalled as well)
2. reinstall LyX 2.2.2 using the new installer:


Changelog of the new installer:
- fix bug that spell checker for Vietnamese was not installed
- fix bug that thesaurus for Ukrainian was not installed
- updated to MiKTeX 2.9 build 6219 (fixes problems with the update of LaTeX packages)
- updated to Python 2.7.13
- updated to ImageMagick 7.0.4-5
- updated to JabRef 3.8.1
- updated to Perl
- updated thesaurus for Ukrainian
- updated spell checker dictionaries for English (CA, GB and US) and Ukrainian (To benefit from them you must uninstall an already installed LyX 2.2.x and then use this installer.)

regards Uwe

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