On 03/03/17 11:00, Jü LyX Document LyX Document LyX Document rgen
Spitzmü LyX Document ller wrote:
> Am Freitag, den 03.03.2017, 07:28 +0000 schrieb F M Salter:
>> Hi
>>     Sorry about the subject,
>>         but being an Englishman I find it a hard pill to swallow that my
>> native language is not to be called "english" but "british"!
> The reason is that the "english" option of babel is used as an alias
> for usenglish (TeX's default language patterns, as TeX is a Stanford
> child). However, if another English variety is used (british, canadien,
> australian, even american, etc.), english is set to the last one loaded
> (a bug in babel, see
> http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/12775/babel-english-american-usenglish)
> <http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/12775/babel-english-american-use>
>>     I have found that when using the KOMA scrartcl class with the LyX
>> setting "English (UK)" and biblatex/biber, pdflatex issues warnings that
>> the babel package setting of english  is inappropriate when british is
>> the primary language.  Babel does provide provide files explicitly
>> british.  The tex file simply contains the line "\usepackage{babel}".
>>     A number of questions arise:        Does the warning matter?
> Probably yes (in the cases mentioned above.
To the best of my knowledge there is no US-English in my article at
all.  However the scrartcls is given the arguments [english,british] by LyX!
>>   Is there some setting, I need to make,
>> of which I am unaware?
> Yes. Don't use "English" together with "English (UK)". Use
> "English(USA)" for american English instead
>>   Is this a bug in LyX?
> I wouldn't call it a bug, since LyX provides proper american language
> selection. Maybe LyX could take care that "american" is used instead
> of "english" if another English variety is in play.

> Jürgen  .
Thanks for your quick reply.
>> Regards
>> Frank Salter

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