Thanks Steve! I have learned a lot from your suggestions!

Yes, I generate PDF in order to proofread. Also, I have used child documents to 
organize the book, previewing the child document is acceptable, mostly less 
than 10 seconds I think.

Writing  a shell to generate the PDF of the whole book is a good idea! here is 
my 2 cents of the shell script:
lyx --export pdf4 mybook.lyx

Finally, Lyx is really a great tool!  I think it is impossible to finished the 
book without LyX within 4 months. Thanks to LyX teams!

At 2017-03-19 01:56:00, "Steve Litt" <> wrote:
>On Fri, 17 Mar 2017 09:21:27 +0800 (CST)
>subaochen  <> wrote:
>> It seems that Lyx only run upon one cpu or one thread, compiling a
>> large document(more than 300 pages) may take more than 1 minute on my
>> machine(8G ram and AMD 8130). Is it possible to enable multiple
>> thread with lyx? Thanks in advance!
>Hi subaochen,
>It might amuse you to know that in 1990, my 286, 10Mhz computer with 1MB
>RAM took 45 minutes to load my WordPerfect 5.0 authored book
>"Troubleshooting: Tools, Tips and Techniques", a 140 page book.
>So I spent $4200.00 on a new 25Mhz 486 with 16MB RAM, and was stoked to
>notice that it now took 45 seconds to load my book :-)
>Now about your situation...
>1 minute compilation of a 300 page book is about par for the course.
>That's about what it takes me to compile my 309 page "Troubleshooting
>Techniques of the Successful Technologist". If I doubled my processor
>speed, I might get it down to 30 seconds. But meanwhile, my computer
>would run hotter and use more energy, and I'd have more processor speed
>control hassles.
>I'd suggest you change your workflow so you don't need to compile to
>PDF nearly as long, and so you can keep working while compiling. Why
>not compile from a shellscript instead of from LyX? That way you can
>continue working in LyX while your doc is being compiled.
>Also, try to think of ways you could operate for longer without
>recompiling to PDF. I'm assuming you're compiling to PDF in order to
>proofread: If there's another reason, please let us know.
>And finally, congratulations on writing a >300 page document. Very few
>people have actually done that.
>Steve Litt
>March 2017 featured book: Troubleshooting: Why Bother?

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