On 04/28/2017 12:50 PM, Karthik Tayur wrote:
> I resolved this by using the idxlayout package. What would be the use
> case for the "options" space in the indexing tab under Document
> Settings? Just curious.
> \usepackage[columns=1]{idxlayout}

If using makeindex, say, as the processor, then one could add -g to use
German word ordering, or -s FILE to specify an index style file, or
whatever. I.e., these are options to makeindex, for which see "man
makeindex". Same for xindy, or whatever.


> On 27 April 2017 at 09:37, Karthik Tayur <karthiksta...@gmail.com
> <mailto:karthiksta...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     How does one obtain single column indices? This question has been
>     raised before as regards LaTeX. How does one do it with LyX?
>     Since the default processor appears to be xindy from the
>     documentation, I will need to modify the relevant style?
>     Regards
>     K

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