On Sat, Jun 03, 2017 at 06:06:53PM -0400, Cris Fuhrman wrote:
> On Jun 3, 2017 15:50, "Scott Kostyshak" <skost...@lyx.org> wrote:
>> Thanks for this idea, Cris. Would this be only to see how many people
>> are using LyX or for something in addition to that? Every time I think
>> about something like that, I challenge myself and ask: "Why do I want to
>> know how many people use LyX?" and my answer is always just that I would
>> be curious. Since I don't think it would lead to any improvement in LyX,
>> my train of thought stops there.
> GA (as far as I understand it) can track usage within any app. For example,
> each time a user selects New, the app can "click" a link via GA that
> signifies New. It's up to the developer to determine granularity of usage
> stats. In theory you could collect preference data at every
> closing/applying of the preference dialogue (it could be arguments to a
> tracking URL). I'm not an expert in how best to do it, but it's "usage
> data" that many apps already collect. GA is but a means to that end. There
> are other options: https://stackoverflow.com/q/1554062/1168342

Ah thanks for clarifying this to me. That is indeed pretty powerful.


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