On 06/10/2017 09:23 AM, David Pesetsky wrote:
Is there any way to have BibTex citations resolve correctly while editing without having 
"BibTeX Generated Bibliography" constantly visible at the bottom of the buffer.  I find 
myself constantly going to the end of the buffer to continue writing my document and having to hit 
the back arrow and return to avoid  "BibTeX Generated Bibliography" — plus it's 
distracting.  If there's a way to hide it, or to get Lyx to resolve citations on-screen and in pdf 
previews without it, that would be excellent.

(I am new to Lyx, so if the answer is obvious, or somewhere in the 
documentation that I missed, my apologies.)


Besides Jürgen's suggestion, another possibility is to bind the following to a key combination of your choosing:

command-sequence buffer-end; char-left; paragraph-break;

This does what you've been doing manually -- jump to the end of the document (presumably after the bibliography inset), back up one character (presumably to just before the inset) and start a new paragraph.


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