El 26.07.2017 a las 08:54, Scott Kostyshak escribió:

I see. We took a poll of users and got that the average preference is
larger than 120. See:


4 Win users is not a representative survey. However, it is impossible to set a value that suits all different resolutions for different monitor sizes. Still on all PCs I have access to 120 is a sensible value. Note that there is also the aspect that different users on the same PC prefer different sizes. For example I share one of the PCs at work with a colleague. I use Windows' 100% system font zoom while he prefers 125% system font zoom. That is much too big in my opinion but well, everybody is free to set what he wants. I wrote how easy it is to set the zoom.

Do you have any thoughts on increasing the default?

It seems that this would be sensible as nobody uses 100% but always larger values, I think making the current 120% to the new 100% makes sense.

regards Uwe

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