On 09/18/2017 09:00 AM, Persio Barros wrote:

Hi all,

I was having some trouble when generating a pdf output with pdflatex for a document with various figures (pdf graphic files). Some of them showed in the generated pdf but others didn't. For those not showing, a blank box with the correct figure size was shown instead.

After some digging, I found that the problem only happened to the graphic files for which LyX generated a "bb" (bounding box) option for the \includegraphics LaTeX command. That option is generated when you change the bounding box size in the graphics-clipping pane.

Some more digging revealed that the problem is that the latest version of pdftex-def file present in texlive-2017 and also in miktex 2.9 just ignores the bb option, leaving a blank box, with no error message.

Previous versions of pdftex-def deferred the bb option to the viewport option (with a warning). In that case the graphic file was included correctly. So, this problem occurs only with updated TeX installations.

Have anybody else seen this problem?

I may have a workaround, inspired by bug #7910 (https://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/7910), which I think is related. Rather than using the "Clipping" tab in the graphics dialog, use the "LaTeX and LyX options" tab, and in the "LaTeX options" field enter "viewport=" followed by the offsets from lower left for the corners of the clipping box (same values you would have entered in the clipping dialog). I had to commit the change, save the document, close it and reload it to get the new settings to apply, but my test graphic appeared an seemed to work okay.


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