2017-09-20 3:26 GMT+02:00 Shieh, Sanford <ssh...@wesleyan.edu>:

> In 2.2.x one could have a branch in a child doc that is activated only
> when the child doc is compiled, and not when the master is. How is this
> done in 2.3?  Right-clicking on the child branch inset yields a “Deactivate
> branch in Master” option, but after clicking it and saving the child doc
> the branch is still active when the master doc is compiled.  Attached is an
> MWE, a master mwe.lyx, two children mwe1.lyx and mwe2.lyx, together with
> mwe.bib.  Unless I deactivate the child branches altogether, I end up with
> 3 sets of bibliographies and indices when viewing the master.

You need to define the branch "childonly" in the master as well. I confess
that this is not most intuitive, but I just checked it's the same in LyX


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