Am Freitag, den 22.09.2017, 10:22 +1000 schrieb Peter Drummond:
> `Package babel Error: Unknown language `english'. Either you have'
> In the next pane, I have: 
> `\selectlanguage{english}
> You may proceed, but expect unexpected results'
> In the Document Settings, I  find the Language package is always set
> to 'Automatic'. If I then reset this to 'Always Babel', the error
> goes away. I discovered this by trial and error. It is certainly not
> remotely obvious. Why would a babel package error go away when one
> sets the language package to 'babel'? I would have expected that if
> the language package was set to 'Automatic', then it would either
> choose 'babel' or some other package. If it chose 'babel', I might
> get 'babel' errors, but they would surely remain if I set the option
> to 'Always Babel'!

That's strange indeed. The only expected thing that might happen with
automatic is that polyglossia is used rather than babel if you use
"non-TeX fonts" and specific languages.

How does the LaTeX preamble (in View Source) in the two variants look
like? Also the LaTeX log could be revealing.

> A related problem is that if I type in an incorrectly spelled word
> like 'testx', it will be flagged by the spell-checker, but no
> alternative is suggested. Note that these errors occur in a
> completely new Lyx file, just created, with only one word in it, and
> only default settings.

Other users have reported issues with the spell checker on the Mac.
This might be related:


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