I am Lyx beginner. Sorry if it's in the docs. Thanks in advance for your help.

I need to have Theorems (and Lemmas, etc.) to share the same counter with subsectons.

I can't find a way to do it with Lyx.

=== Example of Section 2, in a document ====

                       2. Reals simply defined ...[Section 2 title here]

2.1. Recall ... [1st subsection here]

2.2. Lemma. Any ....

Proof. ...

2.3. Given f ... [2nd subsection here]

Before using Lyx, I would just use the preamble:


I could include in the Lyx Document > Settings > LaTex Preamble, some hack to identify the two counters, like:

But then, the numbers displayed in the Lyx editor aren't what's printed.
Ramez Labib Sami
Université Paris-Diderot
Paros, France

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