This is not specifically a LyX question yet I hope someone here has
encountered the same issues and has a solution.

  I have a 28-slide beamer presentation created with lyx-2.2.3 on
Slackware-14.2. The two pdf displayers I've used in the past are not working
the way the man pages say they should.

  xpdf has just been upgraded to 3.04-5. Earlier versions would enlarge the
slides to full screen using Ctrl-l. That key combination would shrink it
back to the default beamer display size. This no longer works. Changing the
window to full frame leaves the slides the same size.

  mupdf uses the 'p' command for presentation mode. That's not working here,
while other commands (e.g., to move to a particular page or search for text)
do work. Strange.

  Fortunately, pdfpc with the '-s' startup option does the job. But, after
years of using xpdf (now called 'pdf reader') I'd like to get this working.
With pdfpc I don't have the navigation commands at the bottom of each slide

  This is not a critical issue because I will probably quickly learn to use
pdfpc productively, but if someone has any thoughts on xpdf or mupdf I'd
appreciate reading them.


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