n 12/30/2017 05:42 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:

  Deleting all but the \date{} line in the preable and trying to preview
brought up an error box telling me that I cannot use the macro '#' in
horizontal mode. Of course, there's no '#' in the address string so I have
no idea where LyX is seeing it.
The URL in your first message ends with "#guidance", so there is indeed a hash symbol. I don't know why pdflatex would think it was a macro, unless there's something else in your document that relates to it.

If you haven't already done so, try compiling my minimal example to make sure that both instances of the URL break cleanly (and, IMHO, at reasonably aesthetic places).

Your example and screen shot showed angle brackets (<>) surrounding the URL. I put those in my document, but I put them outside the URL and hyperlink insets. Don't know if that's what you are doing (and whether it makes any difference).


  Anyway, this document is for my own reference since printing the web page uses 4- or 6-point type in the resulting .pdf file. My older eyes can't read it so I copied text from the web page to a LyX document and included the URL
for reference.



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