It seems that DependsOn works only for styles depending on styles; It
cannot have a style depend on an inset, or an inset on a style apparently.

Which means, that definitions needed by multiple InsetLayout's always have
to go to the global Preamble block.

Is there maybe some alternative to "DependsOn" that works across both
styles and insets?

- Klaus

2018-01-23 18:43 GMT+01:00 Klaus-Dieter Bauer <>

> I figured it out myself: The DependsOn property apparently doesn't
> actually work for insets (only for styles).
> 2018-01-23 18:27 GMT+01:00 Klaus-Dieter Bauer <
>> Hello!
>> Is there some way to specify layouts, that depend on the preamble of
>> another?
>> Consider e.g. the following LyX file:
>> #LyX 2.3 created this file.
>> \lyxformat 544
>> \begin_document
>> \begin_header
>> \begin_local_layout
>> InsetLayout Flex:AAA
>> LyxType custom
>>   LabelString AAA
>> LatexName AAA
>> LatexType command
>> Preamble
>> \newcommand\AAA[1]{hello #1 world}
>> EndPreamble
>> End
>> InsetLayout Flex:BBB
>> LyxType custom
>> LabelString BBB
>> LatexName BBB
>> LatexType command
>> DependsOn Flex:AAA
>> Preamble
>> \newcommand\BBB[1]{bye(\AAA{#1})}
>> EndPreamble
>> End
>> \end_local_layout
>> \end_header
>> \begin_body
>> \begin_layout Standard
>> \begin_inset Flex BBB
>> status open
>> \begin_layout Plain Layout
>> Hello.
>> \end_layout
>> \end_inset
>> \end_layout
>> \end_body
>> \end_document
>> The dependency of BBB on AAA is explicitly declared, but using \BBB in
>> the body adds only the preamble of \BBB, but not the preamble of \AAA,
>> causing an "undefined control sequence" error on compilation.
>> As I understand, DependsOn merely declares that the preamble of AAA
>> should be added *before* the preamble of BBB, but only _if_ AAA is used
>> itself.
>> I couldn't find any feature that allows to declare an actual dependency,
>> rather than just the ordering. Am I missing something?
>> - Klaus

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