Le 30/01/2018 à 10:49, F M Salter a écrit :
More problems.

     Even when a LyX file has the correct number of dots and is saving
correctly, export to other output forms loses the part after the dot.

     This can easily lead to the disastrous overwriting of existing files.

Dear Frank,

I guess there are several places where we are not careful enough. Could you open a ticket that outlines the precise steps you use that lead to bad behavior?


On 30/01/18 09:03, F M Salter wrote:

        LyX saves new files with incorrect names when the specified name
contains dots as separators.

         Example:  Specified file name is  file-2018.Jan.30  expecting
.lyx to be added as is usual

                          Saved file name is      file-2018.Jan.lyx

         If the full name complete with *.lyx is saved, it does so correctly.


Frank Salter

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