On Mon, 2 Apr 2018 10:34:19 +1000
Alan Tyree <alanty...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Steve,
> I would think YAML is the best choice here. It is easy to type and
> easy for the beginner to understand. You could provide simple
> templates for the most common cases. My own feeling is that anything
> more complicated is going to turn off would-be authors.

Thanks Alan (and you too Shay)!

Both of you recommended for YAML and against JSON, made your points
powerfully, and convinced me not to go with JSON (at least directly).

I decided not to go with YAML because it's to easy to forget a colon or
a dash and crash the program. The program would need to be too much of
a mind reader.

Instead I'm using several files consisting either of key-value pairs
separated by an equal sign (people are used to those), or a few of the
files are lists. I wrote a Python program to turn those files into a
big, deeply nested dict that can run the program. Also, it will probably
output a JSON file of the big, deeply nested dict, so all the other
programs can use it.


Steve Litt 
April 2018 featured book: Troubleshooting Techniques
     of the Successful Technologist

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