2018-06-09 11:50 GMT+02:00 F M Salter <fmsal...@blueyonder.co.uk>:

> Hi
>     Is it possible to place captioned figures side by side rather than
> vertically?

Yes, but you need to use the sidecap package. To integrate it on LyX you
can use a "Local format" (Document → Settings → Local format), something
like this (I'm using 2.3 here, for 2.2 use "Format 60" instead)

Format 66


\usepackage{sidecap} % added by sidecap.module




Type SCfigure

GuiName "Figure (side caption)"

Placement tbp

Extension loscf

NumberWithin none

Style plain

ListCommand empty

ListName "List of Figures (side caption): does nothing, use List of Figures

RefPrefix fig

IsPredefined 1

UsesFloatPkg 0



Type SCtable

GuiName "Table (side caption)"

Placement tbp

Extension losct

NumberWithin none

Style plain

ListCommand empty

ListName "List of Tables (side caption): does nothing, use List of Tables

RefPrefix tab

IsPredefined 1

UsesFloatPkg 0


Now, under Insert → Float you'll have "Figure (side caption)" and "Table
(side caption)". The side-captioned figures will integrate with the normal
ones, so just use the normal index of figures to list them (and all the

> It is possible to place graphics, without captions, side
> by side.  Figure captions seem only to be used in floats.  Attempts to
> copy to a  box produces senseless!

You can delete the caption box inside the float without problems, resulting
on a floating figure without caption. To insert several figures inside a
float you can just do that, or even insert another float inside the float
to get several "sub-figures", LyX will recognize the situation


> Regards
> Frank Salter

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