> It's not the problem of toggling on/off the labels.
> It seems that once you have given a label name to an
> equation in a multiline equation, you can modify the
> name but you cannot clear it. I want to clear it so
> it doesn't appear anymore in the cross-reference
> list.
> Example: 2 multilined equations, only the second one
> has a label name, let's say "toto" :
> a = b+c (#)
> d = e+f (toto)
> I want to clear "toto" so that the equation is still
> numbered but not labelled anymore: (#).
> Insert->Label->Clear doesn't work.

put the cursor in the second line and type alt-m-N
and the label is of. alt-m-N again is on.
to clear the label do a insert->label, delte old label
and hit return, the label is deleted ...

LyX 1.1.6fix1



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