On Mon, Nov 5, 2018 at 6:06 AM Bernt Lie <bernt....@usn.no> wrote:

> LyX is great in many ways. However, there is one thing that I really,
> really miss... I write papers and notes that contain a mixture of math and
> computer code/simulation results.
> First: for the "LyX: Graphics" window (double-click on inserted graphics),
> there is a "LaTeX and LyX options" tab which holds a section on "Graphics
> Group". This is a super feature, and allows me to create a new, named
> group. Thus, if I import a new graphics and assign the graphics to a named
> group (e.g., "MATLAB plot"), I can later on change the features of one plot
> within this named group, and... presto... all the graphics with the same
> named group are changed to adhere to this new setting.
> Settings include: Scale on screen (i.e., within LyX), and Scale graphics
> (i.e., in the produced PDF file). This is a very important feature to
> achieve *consistency* in the document.
> Second: a Program Listing object has many, many more settings than the
> Graphics object.  It would be *very useful* with a similar possibility to
> create "named group" for Program Listings, so that I can assing a program
> listing to such a named group.
> The way it is now, it is virtually impossible to ensure a consistent
> document wrt. Program Listing. Yes, it is possible to create a dummy
> document with a tailor made program listing, and copy+paste from this
> document. That way, I can get consisting layout of the document. But if I
> later have to change the program listing, e.g., remove line numbering, I'm
> in trouble again.
> --
> Anyway, my wish is thus: introduce named group for every object possible,
> in particular for Program Listing.


As a stop-gap measure before such a feature is implemented, you may be
interested in how I've accomplished consistent Program Listing styling via
the preamble in my April 5 post to this list.


Please contact me with any comments, questions, or concerns.

Thank you,

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