On Fri, Nov 02, 2018 at 08:25:28AM +0000, Baris Erkus wrote:
> > I am trying to understand what I can and cannot do with the Version
> > Control toolbar of LyX if git is initialized and initial commit is
> > performed.

Reading section 7.2.6 of Additional Features manual (GIT commands in LyX)
might prove helpful.

> > 1. Looks like I can do commits with the toolbar with the up arrow,
> > called check-in. I can also call back the previous commit using the cyclic 
> > arrow, but it seems like
> > uncommitted changes are lost forever, which is a very dangerous operation.

You should be asked before ditching uncomitted changes.

> > 2. I also see the comparison tool is working nicely.
> >
> > 3. So my question is -for example- can I call any older commit using the
> > check-out (down arrow) button or some other button? After doing that can I 
> > go back to a newer
> > commit?

Not really, you have to do this kind of jumping manually.
The only integration with history is that you should be able to easily
compare the current version with older one as you noted in point 2.

> > 4. I am guessing the register button (OK check) does not do anything if Git
> > is being used.

Correct, it's currently implemented only for RCS.

> > 5. If the toolbar capabilities are limited, of course we can use the
> > command-line or a GUI Git tool for other operations, but it would be
> > nice to have it built-in the LyX. Maybe I can open a request ticket for
> > that, if there is not any.

There are bunch of improvement requests in trac already, but no one stepped
in years to implement them, so unless you ask for some trivial change or step
into development yourself, it's unlikely to see the improvement happening...


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