Am Do., 8. Nov. 2018, 17:13 hat Bert Lloyd <>

> However, there are some further tweaks I would like to make that as
> far as I know cannot be done this way. For example, in plain LaTex, I
> would add
> \AtEveryBibitem{%
>   \clearlist{language}
> }
> after \usepackage[...]{biblatex




> I attempted to implement this via Document Settings - Preamble.
> However, the problem I am having is that it appears that, by default,
> LyX places
> \usepackage[...]{biblatex}
> \addbibresource{are-495.bib}
> at the very end of the latex preamble.
> As a result, options I add via Document Settings - Preamble appear
> before \usepackage[...]{biblatex}, leading to an error message:
> Undefined control sequence
> \AtEveryBibitem
> {%
> The control sequence at the end of the top line...
> I tried including the \AtEveryBibitem{%... material in the body of the
> document using ERT, but this also lead to an error:
> ! LaTeX Error: Can be used only in preamble.
> So, is there a way I can
> A) Control where LyX puts \usepackage[...]{biblatex} in the latex preamble?
> B) Add material to a specific part of the latex preamble (i.e., the
> end, or at least after \usepackage[...]{biblatex})?
> C) Pass options to biblatex a different way?
> D) Other?
> Many thanks,
> BL

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